Friday, March 22, 2013

Summer flats!

Big news!  Not only did Eric let me buy flats, he liked them!  He actually picked the gray ones out!  And let me buy both pair in one day.
What could make this better?  The price.  I have a most always pretty firm policy to not spend more than $20 on any one piece of clothing.  Shoes I splurge on now and then but normally I like to keep it under $40. 

$19.99 at Target

$16.99 at Payless Shoes

Two pairs of flats! This is a huge deal. Before the babies I only owned heels or flip flops. This year I bought these and a flat pair of riding boots. I still love my 4" heels but with 3 toddlers, that not very practical.


  1. I love flats!! It is all I wear in the summer (or flip flops). Cute picks!!
