Thursday, October 10, 2013

Dear Elder Neil L. Andersen, I love you. Sincerely, Camaree

Here is a crazy thought for you . . . 
I am a Mormon, stay-at-home-mom, who considers herself a feminist.  Let that blow your mind for a minute.

Now here is a question . . .
What is the Priesthood?

Any hands from my Christian friends?  Mormon friends specifically? . . . I can't really see your hands so I'll just give you the answer.

The Priesthood is the Power of God on Earth.

Go ahead let that sink in.

Any heads spinning yet?  Any of you just now realizing that the priesthood is not Daddy or Uncle Joe or the boys that bless the sacrament or the Bishop or even the Prophet?!?

I actually had a middle-aged, well educated, well respected, highly called upon women say to me at girls camp this year many things like "That is the priesthood cabin", "Someone go get the priesthood", "The priesthood will do that" when referring to the men at the camp.  Seriously my tongue was bloody.  That is the men's cabin.  I doubt the Priesthood could be contained in a cabin.

Members of our church commonly refer to the worthy men in the membership as the Priesthood.  Well they aren't, it isn't, it's just wrong.

The Priesthood is the Power of God on Earth.  If you don't believe me this is what Elder Andersen said in his talk at conference just last week, "We sometimes overly associate the power of the priesthood with men in the Church. The priesthood is the power and authority of God given for the salvation and blessing of all—men, women, and children."

I know many of you understand this principal correctly.  But there is an even bigger misconception amid members of the church.  It is demonstrated by "Mormon Feminist" protesting outside General Conference but is held by all most EVERYONE . . .

That only men hold the Priesthood.

Only men are ordained to offices of the Priesthood and ask to administer certain duties and given certain keys.

But anyone faithful enough can have and use the Priesthood- the Power of God.  Anyone can call upon Heaven for help and bring in the Power of God.

Women do it all the time without being asked, without realizing it.  And I think that is why women have not been specifically assigned to do it.  They-we don't need an assignment, we are women, we see a need and we fill it, usually without being asked.  It is in our nature.  Let me explain.

A loved one is sick - really sick.  The men have to be called in and told to please ask God to bless this individual.  What are the women already doing?  They are already on their knees saying "Father please bless them".  You don't think it is the same?  Then you have never heard the prayer of a mother over her dying child.   Do you think a women's prayers can not bring answers or miracles?

Do you think I am way off mark?  Remember the scene in the church produced movie, The Legacy, when Eliza Williams hit bottom and her Ox had fallen to the ground?  What does she do?  Pray that her Ox will be healed.  That he will get to his feet and carry on.  And what happens?  Does God say "Nope.  Sorry you're a women.  Can't do it"?  No the Ox gets to its feet and she eventually makes it to her destination.  If you need a refresher I couldn't find it online but you can buy it here for $4.  

There is also a clip of this recently produced movie on the official Church website in which a young pioneer girl prays fervently for respite and is granted a miracle of food for her and her mother.

Both examples from the church of women calling upon the Power of God.  We do it every day Sisters.  We are not limited by the struct of the church. We are limited only by our lack of faith and need.

Mathew 17: 20 And Jesus said unto them, Because of your aunbelief: for verily I say unto you, If ye have bfaith as a grain of mustard seed, ye shall say unto this cmountain, Remove hence to yonder place; and it shall remove; and nothing shall be dimpossible unto you.

I believe Priesthood callings are ordained and granted by God, His power.  I also believe creation of life to be a power of God.  One he grants to women not men.  God has granted some powers to men and some to women.  We need all, we are blessed by all.  Only God can grant these powers not men.

If you do not believe as I do, if you see Priesthood as only a hierarchy of an organization of men and just want to see women "climb the ladder".  Then there really is no God given authority and it is just men calling on men then the whole thing is a sham.  If I believed that I wouldn't be fighting for rights of the Priesthood.  I'd be leaving.  Looking for true authority.


  1. Whenever I hear/read Matt 17:20 I think of you. This is one thing that I found on my mission that so many people in the church didn't understand. All the sister missionaries were interviewed by a non-LDS person for a non-LDS article to show people that women in the LDS church are equal with the men and well educated.
