Thursday, August 22, 2013

Our Gay Neighbors

Our gay neighbors and smooshed between a very tradition country, Catholic family and a very devout Mormon family.  Recently they ignored our Kansas laws and ran away to Hawaii to get married.  So the day they came home we vandalized their house.

It seemed like the right thing to do.  I made the hearts, my more liberal catholic partner in crime made the sign. 

I don't agree with, support, or understand their life style but luckily it is not my job to judge them.  My job is to love my neighbor and I sure love having Ryan and Brandon as neighbors.

P.S. It will probably drive them nuts if they see that I posted a picture of their long grass.  So on their behalf please ignore the grass they were on vacation for two weeks. 


  1. Congrats to Ryan and Brandon!! And also Congrats that you have two awesome chicas as neighbors!!!
