Why I Blog

Hi I'm Camaree and this is my not so typical mom blog about my life and my struggles to find balance.  I'm a 27-year-old stay-at-home mother of three kids.  I serve in the United States Air Force Reserve, I am a Relief Society teacher in Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day-Saints, and I'm trying to fit school in.  So I don't have a ton of free time and the time I do have I spend sitting on my fat butt looking at other people's blogs thinking, "How do they have the time, energy, talent, and money for all of this?"  It can be so overwhelming feeling like I have to keep up with all of these DIY supermoms.  It just doesn't seem realistic.

I don't have time to sit and make every conceivable birthday decoration by hand and I don't want to.  I'd much rather do one or two pointed items and just buy the rest or go without and spend the time I save playing with my kids.  I try to use Elder Dallin H. Oaks' talk Good, Better, Best to help me organize my priorities.  All of these crafts and decorating projects to improve our homes are good but when that becomes all that we do is it really the best use of our time?  The more I browse the more I feel that rather than be consumed by the ever growing pintrest to do list I'd like to have my own outlet.  A blog about all the challenges of being a women, a mother, and a lover and practical ideas to keep it all balanced.  

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