Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Chocolate or Peach?

A conversation in the car with my 3 year old.  *Keep in mind have never talked to her about this stuff and I assume she picked up off of Daniel Tiger when they talked about what makes us different and what we have in common.  They were totally innocent observations that made me laugh.

Hanna:  Some people have brown hair and some people have blond hair.
Me: Yes, and some people have red hair and some people have black hair.
Hanna: yeah and some people have chocolate skin and some people have peach skin.  Miss Elaina (from Daniel Tiger) has chocolate skin.  Mine is peach.  Hey yours is peach too!
Me: That's right Hanna.  Mines is peach and so is daddy's and Mikey's and Mauree's.
Hanna:  Yeah and Grammy's too.  But Aunt Balerie's (Valerie) is chocolate. And . . . Blake's is light chocolate but Uncle Peter's is dark chocolate.  
Me:  That's right Hanna.  What about Aunt Bianca?
Hanna:  She is . . . um . . . peach?

Miss Elaina

Aunt Valerie

Blake and Uncle Peter
Aunt Bianca and Uncle Robb

1 comment:

  1. Hanna is so funny and a smart little girl. She made my day.
