Thursday, August 15, 2013

A toddler's train of thought . . .

My husband is terrible at keeping a journal and isn't into blogger but wants to remember all of the cute things our kids do so he recently started a private google+ group where he could post thoughts, pictures, and videos.  I was looking through it and just had to share this conversation he had last month with our 3 year old daughter:

Eric Sargent

Discussion  -  Jul 11, 2013
Hanna has wanted some kid scissors so she could make something. I told her on Sunday that on monday i would buy her some. I forgot both monday and tuesday to get her some, ( which she promptly reminded me when I got home from work). Finally on wednesday I got her some. she was so excited that she immediately wanted to go craft (which we did) she took a blank piece of paper and cut all around the edges. Later that night while getting ready for bed this is the discussion that followed...

Daddy I only have little kid scissors, but when I get big I will have big kid scissors, I will also have a big bed with night stands, where I can climb up. I will also have kids and be a mommy so I can tickle 'em. But right now I only have little kid scissors....

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