Wednesday, August 14, 2013

INSANITY and Air Force Fitness

Started back up with INSANITY last night and I even got Eric to do it with me.  Three of my cousins, Emily, Gregg, and Scott, started yesterday too which is what helped motivate me, that and the fact that I have an Air Force Fit to Fight fitness test next month which I am totally not prepared for.  So there are five of us in total it should be interesting to see how we all do.

Here are my reps from the first INSANITY fit test used to track ones progress:

Switch Kicks       60
Power Jacks        47
Power Knees        80
Power Jumps        38
Globe Jumps        10
Suicide Jumps      15
Push-Up Jacks      25
Low Plank Oblique  35

I don't think Eric would appreciate me sharing his so I wont.  If you are doing this too just make sure you go a whole rep before you count it.  For example on the last one bring your left leg up and back down and then your right up and back down to complete one rep.

I think I did ok considering I have three kids and haven't worked out regularly since my last fitness test a year ago, on which I scored a 98 out of 100.  My goal this year was to get a 100 but that so isn't going to happen.  I always do well though so I'm not too worried.  The guys in my unit always give me a hard time saying a I score better because my standards aren't as high, true and I do agree with them that it should be the same standards regardless of sex.  However, that does not change the fact that I usually lap them on the track.  And even if I was scored on the guys chart I would have gotten a 92.2 last time which is still considered an excellent score.

Here is the link to the Air Force fitness scoring charts so you can see how you stack up.  You have to measure you waist just above your belly button to get your body composition.  The run in 1.5 miles which is 6 times around a standard high school track.  You have one minute to do as many push-ups as you can and one minute to complete as many sit-ups as you can.  On both the push-ups and sit-ups you start in the up position and count one rep when you return to the up position.  You can do the test in any order you want within a two hour window.  

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