Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Any Day Now

34 1/2 weeks.  Both babies weigh 5 lbs!  Starting to progress a little so any day now!

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Whoa Mama!

Camera phones in the dark, not the best but I keep forgetting to take pictures so if you want an update this is all I've got.

30 Weeks with Twins!

Wait, did you say TWINS!?!

No wonder I'm so big!

How many more weeks?

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Huge, and Happy as a Hippo

In the last several weeks I have received multiple comments about how big I am getting and an overall concern for my health.  I would like everyone to know I am doing just fine.

Many people thought I was huge with Hanna Marie and she was a big baby for someone my size but I remained healthy throughout the pregnancy and I gained less weight than is average during pregnancy.  Afterwards I recovered very quickly.  I was back in my skinny jeans by 9 weeks postpartum and even scored a 96 out of 100 on my very first Air Force physical fitness test back from maternity leave - including receiving max points for my waist size. 

But if I was huge with one baby what do you think is going to happen with two babies growing inside of someone who is only 4'11 and normally 110 lbs?  But rest assured I have still gained less weight so far than what is average for a twin pregnancy, I have not been put on bedrest, all of my tests and screenings have been normal, the babies are healthy and growing normally, and I feel nothing more than the normal wear of a pregnant women chasing around a very happy toddler.

Overall pregnant or not I am an extremely healthy and fit person, probably more than most of you.  If any of you still feel concerned or wish to continue commenting on my size or health I challenge you to run the Cold Turkey Run with me on November 24th or even better join my 2012 Ragnar team and we'll see who fares better.

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Getting Ready for Summer!

Now that it is finally warm outside,  it is time to enjoy the sun!

To get Hanna's look check out www.camaree.com

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

A Chick w/ Sticks: Welcome to A Chick w/ Sticks!

A Chick w/ Sticks: Welcome to A Chick w/ Sticks!: "Here you'll find various crocheted items for sale to raise money for charitable causes. Right now I'm trying to raise money for a hospital g..."

Wednesday, May 25, 2011


Sad, sad news my friends.  I missed out on free U2 concert tickets this week because I don't check my military email account often enough!  U2 people! U2!  That would have been so awesome.  Of course I wouldn't have been able to go anyway because I am in VA right now but I think I know a certain mother I could have made extremely happy with such tickets. 
*Sigh* I just can't believe I missed out and I just had to share my sadness.

Check out http://www.camaree.com/ form more updates!

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

I love Lucky Charms!

It has been so long since I have had Lucky Charms!  Oh how I have missed them.  Normally I get the cheaper, healthier cereal.  But since I am on Annual Tour and the government is paying for it, I splurged and bought I box of Lucky Charms to keep in my room.  This morning it was a little bit of suguary heaven. 

Monday, May 9, 2011

Willow Park Zoo

We took Hanna Marie to the Willow Park Zoo last week.  She loved it and was so much fun to watch.  I really can't wait to take her to Hoggle  Zoo this summer.

To see my favorite picture from the day check out www.camaree.com

Thursday, May 5, 2011


23 Weeks
Eric and I are expecting another girl!  . . . AND a boy too!!  Yep twins!  We're expecting the Luke and Liea to make the debut some time in August.  Hanna Marie will also reach her 18 month milestone in August.  Three kids that young is definitely going to be a challenge but we are super excited.

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Mommy Guilt Trip

What do you feel guilty about as a mom or a woman?  Post your answer at camaree.com

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Boring the Blogging World

I believe that the few blog followers I had have all died and now I am just sending empty messages out to the bored blogging world.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

My New Blog

Hey guys I threw out my old portfolio website and I'm trying to build a new blog.  Come check it out!


Monday, April 4, 2011

I've decided that I have too many wants.  I seriously think that I could spend $5000 in one day on nothing real big.  Top of my list right now:

New kitchen table (this I will actually need with in the next year)
Slide or climbing toy for Hanna
Toddler chair for Hanna

And a bunch of little things for my house, new garbage can, shower curtains, bed sheets, towels, and coat hooks.  

That is just the top I'm sure I could find at least 20 more things off the top of my head that I want before I even get to clothes.  Clothes would be a lengthy list on its own.

Now I am just going to sit here and wait to get struck down for my pride.

Friday, March 25, 2011

Jeff and Kathryn: Hello!

Jeff and Kathryn: Hello!: "Welcome to our adoption blog! As you probably guessed from the title, we are hoping to adopt a baby! We've been unable to have ch..."

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Hanna's new hairdo!

Hanna looked sooooo cute today.  Her hair is getting so long now.  I pulled the front into a little twist on the side and then brought the end into a ponytail in the back with the rest of her hair.  And I put her in brand new clothes with little white leggings.  So stinking cute. . . Too bad it didn't last.  While I was doing my own hair Hanna found my vaseline and spread big fists fulls all over her hair, her clothes, and the floor. 

We were able to save her clothes but we have tried every suggestion from my mom and the Internet and her hair is still one big grease ball!  Little stinker!

At least it wasn't as bad as this kid . . . .

Or this one . . .

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Master Procrastinator

Oh my goodness, why oh why do I procrastinate so much?  I never learn.  I pounded out three papers and an exam today to finish my online class on time. And that was on top of having all of my family up here for Hanna Marie's 1st birthday party today for which of course I felt the need to make homemade banners for which I also finished today.  Nobody wake me up until Monday . . . groan, I start a new class on Monday.  Math, yuck.

Sunday, February 20, 2011

One year old Hanna!

Hanna Marie just turned one!
I can't believe how quickly the year has gone by and how much she has changed. When I look back at how much she has grown and learned I look at myself and think, 'gee what have I accomplished in a year?'
     Since she was born Hanna has grown more than 9'' and gained almost 12 lbs.  She has 10 teeth and enough hair for a ponytail or two.  She is now crawling all over the place, standing on her own, and taking her first tentative steps (no more than 3 at a time).  She says Hi, bye-bye, Mama, Dada, and Hanna.  She also communicates well using over a dozen different ASL and home signs such as eat, drink, more, all done, cheerios, bath, lotion, baby, and Jesus.  Its great!  She doesn't have to fuss she just tells me if she is hungry or thirsty, when she wants to take a bath, when she is ready for bedtime lotion, when she wants her baby doll, asks for people by name, and responds to questions I ask her.  She knows the actions to several nursery rhymes and songs, including but not limited to, Popcorn Popping, Mr. Alligator, and If you're Happy and you know it.  She loves watching Wiggles, Dora, and sports (she even throws her arms up for touch down!).  She loves books, playing with Daddy, being held by Mommy, and cuddling with her stuffed animals (especially bunny).  She loves showing off her room and toys to new people and smiling at everyone she sees. 

Thursday, February 17, 2011


For being unemployed I sure have had a lot of design projects lately.  In December I designed Christmas cards for my mom and for a friend.  In January I designed my sisters wedding invitations.  This month I created Hanna's first Valentine and still need to work on her birthday announcements/invitations, my sister's resume and her wedding pictures, my brother's logo and business cards, and coming up more wedding invitations.

It's good practice though.  I really should get this stuff on my website but right now it is just a mess that I'm not sure how I want to fix.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Things that are on my mind

 Hanna Marie is going to be one this week!  She is so big.  And those of you who know me from my past life are not going to believe it but I have started to turn into, and actually want to be, one of those spoiled stay-at-home, crafty, Molly Mormon moms.  Which means Hanna's first birthday party will only be perfect if I can get all of these super cute homemade decorations done.

It was so nice to be outside with Hanna Marie the last three days.  We went to the park and played on the slide and today we sat in the backyard and watched the wind blow things around, she loves the wind.  I'm so ready for summer.  I love winter but by February I'm so ready for it to be warm again.  Of course, now that there is actually snow again . . . it is beautiful.

Babysat little Annie today, absolutely adorable.  She is a year and half old and she knows all of her colors including the difference between blue and turquoise, I know she can count to at least 3, and her vocabulary is amazing for her age.  When I asked her where mom and dad were she said 'date'.

Picked up my cpap today.  Not really thrilled about wearing it but really interested to see what it is like to sleep.

I hate homework.  I can't even explain to you how much I hate homework and I have so much of it over the next two weeks.

I hate laundry.  Good thing my pack-in-play was up today, it makes a great basket for all the unfolded clothes that were on my bed.

And incase anyone was wondering satin/silk sheets and bedspread is not a good idea.  My pillow will not stay in one place.