Sunday, February 20, 2011

One year old Hanna!

Hanna Marie just turned one!
I can't believe how quickly the year has gone by and how much she has changed. When I look back at how much she has grown and learned I look at myself and think, 'gee what have I accomplished in a year?'
     Since she was born Hanna has grown more than 9'' and gained almost 12 lbs.  She has 10 teeth and enough hair for a ponytail or two.  She is now crawling all over the place, standing on her own, and taking her first tentative steps (no more than 3 at a time).  She says Hi, bye-bye, Mama, Dada, and Hanna.  She also communicates well using over a dozen different ASL and home signs such as eat, drink, more, all done, cheerios, bath, lotion, baby, and Jesus.  Its great!  She doesn't have to fuss she just tells me if she is hungry or thirsty, when she wants to take a bath, when she is ready for bedtime lotion, when she wants her baby doll, asks for people by name, and responds to questions I ask her.  She knows the actions to several nursery rhymes and songs, including but not limited to, Popcorn Popping, Mr. Alligator, and If you're Happy and you know it.  She loves watching Wiggles, Dora, and sports (she even throws her arms up for touch down!).  She loves books, playing with Daddy, being held by Mommy, and cuddling with her stuffed animals (especially bunny).  She loves showing off her room and toys to new people and smiling at everyone she sees. 


  1. Oh she is so cute! That's great that she can communicate so well already! Gotta love that! I had a good laugh over the fact that she throws her hands up for a touch down! :)

  2. What a big girl! I can't believe she is one already! Like you said, its gone by so fast! They learn so quickly, You just wait, she will start to spit out words so fast!
