Monday, April 4, 2011

I've decided that I have too many wants.  I seriously think that I could spend $5000 in one day on nothing real big.  Top of my list right now:

New kitchen table (this I will actually need with in the next year)
Slide or climbing toy for Hanna
Toddler chair for Hanna

And a bunch of little things for my house, new garbage can, shower curtains, bed sheets, towels, and coat hooks.  

That is just the top I'm sure I could find at least 20 more things off the top of my head that I want before I even get to clothes.  Clothes would be a lengthy list on its own.

Now I am just going to sit here and wait to get struck down for my pride.


  1. try Ksl for some of that stuff. You would be surprised what you would find and how good of a deal you would get!

  2. just randomly found your blog...its so cute!!! I just redid a kitchen table that someone was getting rid of...lovvve free/amazing finds!
