Monday, February 15, 2010

Baby Name

Don't like any of the names we have chosen for our poll?  We are open for new suggestions.  Please, just don't bash the names we already have in mind.  Positive comments only!!!


  1. This is just my opinion. But I like the sound of Hanna Lyne together. I'm really not sure why, just had a better ring to it when you yell it. ;)

  2. Mark and I both like Halle Ann. We had Paul's name all picked out before he was born, but we decided that we wanted to meet him before we made it official. Meeting him made absolutely no difference, so we have no idea how people who can say the baby "just looks like a [insert name here]" can come up with that, because to us he just looked like a perfect baby. :)

  3. Yeah we probably wont make it for sure until we see her but your right, I don't know how much it will help.

  4. I like Mauree because it's cute and unique.

  5. YAY!! Finally we get to hear what names you guys are thinking of!! I think they are all adorable but I voted for Halle. We can't wait to meet her!!!
