Tuesday, February 9, 2010


Wohoo!!!  We have now reached the 10 day window of the due date (before or after) when 80% of babies are born!  Only 8% of babies are actually born on their due date and the rest come earlier or later than that 10 days.  So there is an 88% chance that baby will be here ANY TIME within the next 20 days!  Yay!

I really feel fine, I'm not that uncomfortable, and I'm real in no hurry, I don't want to rush her.  She'll come when she's ready.  It is just another milestone we have reached.  It is crazy to think that this pregnancy is already over and she could be here any day, it is a little nerve racking.  But I will be so excited to see my little girl when she does make her debut.


  1. Very exciting! Good luck to you and baby!

  2. Woohoo! Glad you're still feeling good. Can't wait to see her once she arrives. :)

  3. Hey Camaree....just think pretty soon you could be in my shoes and have more children than you can handle...LOL. You will be a great mom and your husband will be a great father. I can't wait to see the baby. I think Hanna Marie is a beautiful name.
