Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Read, read, read, and fun, fun, fun.

Today Baby Hanna and I read Tigger is Unbouncded.  Baby Hanna loves books.  It's so much fun.  I really didn't think she could show any kind of interest at such a young age but she does.  She'll get all excited and move her arms all around when I start a book, then she stares at the pages so intently.  She has started to reach out to the edges of the books too, like she wants to hold them.
Today's story was from our new collection of Winnie the Pooh books.  Hanna Marie only had 3 books to start out but a couple weeks ago Jensen's Wholesale Books here in Logan had a used book sale.  They had a stuff a bag deal, as many books as you could fit in a bag for only $7.  We went on the last day of the sale so they were pretty picked over but we still got 30 books!  Including 8 Winnie the Pooh books and 5 or so additional Disney books.  We also found Dora the Explorer, Curious George, Sesame Street, and The Night Before Christmas!

Our book hunting day turned out to be a lot of fun.  That same day the Applegates called and invited us to go to Willow Park Zoo with them.  We had never been before.  It was so much fun.  It was only $1 to get in and they had monkeys, bobcats, and all sorts of fun birds.  Hanna seemed more interested in the trees than the animals but little Annie sure enjoyed it and it was nice just to get out.

We've had a lot of fun with the Applegates lately.  Just the week before the Zoo we celebrated Annie and Kade's birthdays.

It's been so fun for Hanna to have a friend.  Little Annie loves to touch 'the baby' and give her loves.  And Hanna loves to smile at Annie.  We love just hanging out at Annie's house.

1 comment:

  1. Cute! Paul loves books too, but he reaches out to grab them so he can chew on them. We're still working on the concept of reading the books instead of eating them. :)

    I love your pictures along the sides! It helps that you are all so good-looking, too. :)
