Saturday, May 29, 2010


Can anyone tell of the story of Hannah from the scriptures?  Since I named my little girl Hanna I haven't come across a single person who can tell me the story of this great women.  The first person everyone thinks of is Hannah Montana, even the missionaries.  So aside from my mom who taught me the scriptures and those who were in my Sunday School class last week, can anyone tell me the story of Hannah?  Without cheating!  Even Eric had to google it.


  1. If I remember correctly Hannah was Samuel's mother. You should be able to find the story in 1st Samuel in the Old Testament. She was the one who gave up Samuel to live in the temple and be taught by Eli and brought up to be the next high priest or prophet.

  2. Seriously??? People don't know the story of Hannah? She was the mother of Samuel. She was supposed to be barren but she went to the temple and prayed to be blessed with a son and promised the Lord she would give him back to God to be his servant all his life. I love that story!
    But I think you guys will have to endure the Hannah Montana references for a few years. By the time she's in Kindergarten I'm sure people will have forgotten about the show though.

  3. Yeah, Miley Cyrus and Us both will be grateful, haha!

  4. google it, does he not own a pair of scriptures? there is this store called distribution services, they sell books that have great stories that we can all learn a great deal from. You should check into that for his birthday...

    Oh and I am not a scriptorian by any means, but seeing how Hannah is one of the only women mentioned in the scriptures, Of course I know the story, My favorite part is she gets the happy ending she deserves because of her faith and devotion to the lord. Even after having Samuel who she prayed and prayed for she was not barren anymore, she had I believe six other children. One of the great stories in the old testament.

  5. Haha Janalee, we were laying in bed when we started talking about Hannah and he had his smart phone right there so he googled it. He actually has three sets of scriptures.

    You all have restored my faith people. I glad there are others out there as impressed by Hannah's faith as I am.

  6. No matter how Hannah was humiliated and tormented by Penninah for not having any kids, she never said anything bad to her. Instead she humbly prayed for a son; not so that she can zip-up Penninah lips or behavior, but rather glorify the Lord and dedicate him to the Lord.

    She kept her promise to the Lord and that is why God made Samuel a Prophet (1 Samuel 3:20).

    She also gave a great prayer of gratitude to the Lord which is the best prayer in the Old Testament (1 Sam 2:1-10).

    According to me, Hannah is a vessel of;
    a) Faith
    b) Patience
    c) Perserverence
    d) Endurance
    e) Change;- Israel never lost a war to Palestines since Samuel became a prophet. The woman who was considered barren, her son was anointing Kings and conversing with the Lord.
    Those considered barren in any field of life can have more than enough.

    Major Points from Hannah's life -;

    1.It does not matter if we are the “favorite” (Elkanah, Hannah’s husband told her that she was his favorite and hoped that would be enough to fill her longing 1 Samuel 1:8). But Hannah still had a “if only I had a child” longing that only God could fill. There will always be a God shaped longing in our hearts that only God can fill. What is your “IF ONLY”?

    2.Hannah runs first and only to God with her pain (1 Samuel 1:9-18). She did not turn to anyone or anywhere else first like we usually do. She is a woman of faith because she sought after God; she realized that only God could answer her.

    3.She is willing and able to let go her dream/desire and accept God’s plan for her child (1 Samuel 1:24-28). God fulfilled her in ways she would not have imagined (1 Samuel 2:18-21).
