Friday, March 5, 2010

Hanna Marie

Hanna Marie Sargent born Feburary 18, 2010 at 7:05 PM via c-section (baby was just too big for her mom) 8 lbs. 2 oz. 20 inches.
Headed to the Hospital!

It's Time!

At the Hospital

My baby can't breath :(

I couldn't hold my baby :(

Daddy washes baby girl's hair.

It is a birth day, got to have Birthday cake! Thanks Mom and Dad.

Uncle Steven and Aunt Valerie

Getting ready to go home!

Our family! So sad that it is blurry.

Welcome home Hanna Marie!


  1. you guys did good! she is a doll! I think Hanna marie fits her perfectly. I am sorry you had to have a c section. but it sounds like you are recovering well! let me know if you need anything. congrats!

  2. What a beautiful girl! The picture of you and Hanna ready to go home is absolutely adorable. Look at that gorgeous hair!

  3. Cam, she is soooo cute!!! I think she looks a lot like you. You Lucky girl, neither of my kids look anything like me sad ha ha.

  4. Congratulations you guys! She is so cute! I love her dark hair!

  5. Congratulations!!!! Oh so happy for you...she is a doll and I agree with the she looks like you comments...I actually thought...oh she looks like Steven! :) Enjoy her...she's perfect! So excited...Girls ROCK :)

  6. Haha that's awesome my mother-in-law thinks she looks like Steven too.

  7. Camaree! She is so beautiful! Congratulations to you and Eric. It is such a fun thing to have your own little one to take care of and be a HUGE part of their life. You will experience more love then you ever thought you could have or give. Congrats again!
