Friday, March 5, 2010

Hanna Marie

Hanna Marie Sargent born Feburary 18, 2010 at 7:05 PM via c-section (baby was just too big for her mom) 8 lbs. 2 oz. 20 inches.
Headed to the Hospital!

It's Time!

At the Hospital

My baby can't breath :(

I couldn't hold my baby :(

Daddy washes baby girl's hair.

It is a birth day, got to have Birthday cake! Thanks Mom and Dad.

Uncle Steven and Aunt Valerie

Getting ready to go home!

Our family! So sad that it is blurry.

Welcome home Hanna Marie!

Monday, March 1, 2010

So the poll for baby names was fun but it didn't really factor into our decision.  I think I still like Mauree Lyne the best, I feel like the others are too common but when it came down to it I never really could make up my mind and Eric liked Hanna and seemed very confident about it so we went with Hanna Marie.  But if one more person calls her Hannah Montana or lists all of the Hannas they know I might go crazy.  I might also go crazy if anyone out there compares my perfect little baby to any other babies born last week, especially if they live within a close proximity.

More info and pictures coming soon - or whenever I decide.