Sunday, December 19, 2010

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Sleep Study!

mSo the most exciting thing of my life happened yesterday . . . ok maybe not the most exciting thing, but pretty dang close.  I had a sleep study done!!!  Yay!  For those of you who know me, or know my parents and know that I am their child, know that we really have sleep issues in our family and this is way overdue.  I went into the Sleep Disorder Center and Logan Regional Hospital and they hooked me up to a bunch of stuff, I mean a ton.  I felt like a science experiment.  I had 25 electrodes on my head, a bunch along my jaw, one by each eye, two on my chest, one on my back, two on each leg, a band around my chest and one around my stomach, two different oxygen censors in my nose, and a pulse monitor on my finger.  No wonder people who go in there can't sleep.  I did finally fall asleep though, for about 4 hours, not straight, like 4 hours total, so not bad.  I'll get the results back in a week to a week and a half.  I'm really hoping the tell me that I have Restless Leg Syndrome because that would explain my leg pain too and I would just have to take a pill.  If they tell me that I have sleep apnea and I have to wear an oxygen mask to bed every night well then I'll just sleep when I die because I really don't think I could stand that.  If it is neither of those thing and they can't figure out what is wrong with me based on the sleep study then the next step is to go see a neurologist.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

My Baby is sooooo cute!

I love taking pictures of my baby.  She is so much fun!

P.S. I took these with my camera phone.

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

A Land of Immagrants

Secure our boarders but remember who we are as Americans and make it easier for decent hardworking people to come here legally.

Not like the brazen giant of Greek fame
With conquering limbs astride from land to land;
Here at our sea-washed, sunset gates shall stand
A mighty woman with a torch, whose flame
Is the imprisoned lightning, and her name
Mother of Exiles. From her beacon-hand
Glows world-wide welcome; her mild eyes command
The air-bridged harbor that twin cities frame,
"Keep, ancient lands, your storied pomp!" cries she
With silent lips. "Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore,
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed to me,
I lift my lamp beside the golden door!"

Monday, June 28, 2010


So I've decided if I wasn't so lazy I really could get into some fun crafts.  Right now I'm really enjoying making hair clips, mostly for Hanna Marie but today I made some for Chaylyne Marie - I hope she likes them. 

I'm also crocheting a blanket for Baby Hanna and working on a scrapbook for Chaylyne.

Mama and Hanna

4 Months Old!

Hanna Marie was four months old on June 18th.  She had her four month doctor's appointment last Monday.  Dr. Ovary said she was beautiful and doing great.  She weighs 14 lbs. 6 oz and is 25 1/2 inches tall.  I'm only 59'' tall so I'm pretty sure she'll be taller than me by the time she starts grammar school.  Dr. Ovary also said we could start her on solids so we went and bought some bowls and little tiny spoons and Sunday we tried rice cereal . . . she didn't have much of a reaction.  She didn't swallow it but she didn't act like she hated it either, she just pushed it out with her tongue.  She liked the spoon though, thought it was a great toy. 

Hanna's new favorite thing.

Last time we were in Salt Lake Grandma Hoggan taught Hanna Marie how to blow raspberries and now she does it all the time.
Video can also be seen at


Sunday, June 20, 2010


I'm so glad that the weather is finally nice!  We love to be outside.  Baby Hanna has already discovered how much fun it is to pull up the grass.  And yesterday we introduced her to leaves.  We gave her a leaf which she had fun holding and feeling for a minute before tearing it to pieces.  


Tuesday, June 8, 2010

June 8th

This past weekend I visited Kaysville cemetery to place flowers on my Grandma's grave for her birthday today.  While I was there I also placed flowers in the vase at her parent's grave.  I never knew them but I've visited their graves with my grandma all my life.  There were still flowers there from Memorial Day so the graves really looked beautiful.  I miss my grandma so much.  I still think of her all the time. 

Saturday, May 29, 2010


Can anyone tell of the story of Hannah from the scriptures?  Since I named my little girl Hanna I haven't come across a single person who can tell me the story of this great women.  The first person everyone thinks of is Hannah Montana, even the missionaries.  So aside from my mom who taught me the scriptures and those who were in my Sunday School class last week, can anyone tell me the story of Hannah?  Without cheating!  Even Eric had to google it.

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

3 Month Pictures

Read, read, read, and fun, fun, fun.

Today Baby Hanna and I read Tigger is Unbouncded.  Baby Hanna loves books.  It's so much fun.  I really didn't think she could show any kind of interest at such a young age but she does.  She'll get all excited and move her arms all around when I start a book, then she stares at the pages so intently.  She has started to reach out to the edges of the books too, like she wants to hold them.
Today's story was from our new collection of Winnie the Pooh books.  Hanna Marie only had 3 books to start out but a couple weeks ago Jensen's Wholesale Books here in Logan had a used book sale.  They had a stuff a bag deal, as many books as you could fit in a bag for only $7.  We went on the last day of the sale so they were pretty picked over but we still got 30 books!  Including 8 Winnie the Pooh books and 5 or so additional Disney books.  We also found Dora the Explorer, Curious George, Sesame Street, and The Night Before Christmas!

Our book hunting day turned out to be a lot of fun.  That same day the Applegates called and invited us to go to Willow Park Zoo with them.  We had never been before.  It was so much fun.  It was only $1 to get in and they had monkeys, bobcats, and all sorts of fun birds.  Hanna seemed more interested in the trees than the animals but little Annie sure enjoyed it and it was nice just to get out.

We've had a lot of fun with the Applegates lately.  Just the week before the Zoo we celebrated Annie and Kade's birthdays.

It's been so fun for Hanna to have a friend.  Little Annie loves to touch 'the baby' and give her loves.  And Hanna loves to smile at Annie.  We love just hanging out at Annie's house.