Thursday, June 13, 2013


It has been over three months since my miscarriage.  I wasn't very far along.  My faith has helped.   But I still feel like I am mourning.  Every time I find out another friend or family member is expecting the emptiness in my own body feels like it will engulf me.  Five families in our tree will welcome little blessings by the end of the year.  And so many friends.  I am happy for all of them I just don't know how to tell them through my own selfish pain.

I watched many women in my life lose pregnancies or struggle with infertility.  My heart has always ached for them as I watched them push through with faith and grace.  I've always wondered how they managed it knowing that if it were me I would fall apart.  But many in my life still don't even know I was pregnant I appear to be just fine.   It makes me wonder how many of those graceful women were falling apart on the inside too.    

After a healthy baby girl and 18 months later healthy boy/girl twins the ideas of miscarriage or infertility had left my mind.  I was obviously made for baby making and mothering, this was my calling to bear babies and be surrounded by little ones.  So this has taken me completely by surprise. 

I already have three beautiful children which should help, and it does.  I know I am blessed but the pain is still there.  My poor kids just get suffocated with kisses and unexpected tears as if I may suddenly lose them too.

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Double Frame

1. Two old frames of different sizes.
2. Spray painted them both white.  Let it dry over night.
3. Paint with acrylic craft paint. (I didn't want to have to buy anything doe this project so I used two colors and mixed them together to get the color I wanted.) 4. Before the paint dries wipe gently with a soft rag to get the glazed look.
5. Dry over night.
6. Put largest frame together with a mat.  You could use either fabric or craft paper as a mat.  I used paper.
7. Put together the frames with your picture in it and hot glue to to the glass of the larger frame.

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Disney Movie Deals!

I was on Amazon today and saw these deals and couldn't resist!

Toy Story 3 only $10!!  

Brave only $14!!

Plus if you sign up for a free trail of Amazon Prime you can get free 2 day shipping!  I love Amazon.

Monday, June 3, 2013

Sunday, June 2, 2013

Snake Catcher

There was a snake in Hanna's room.  Don't worry she trapped it.


Hanna likes to put her tutu on her head and play "marry".  She thinks it looks like a veil.  She says she is going to marry daddy and have a pretty ring that means she is married in the temple and when she grows up she wants to be a mommy. 
Love this girl.