Sunday, April 24, 2011

Mommy Guilt Trip

What do you feel guilty about as a mom or a woman?  Post your answer at

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Boring the Blogging World

I believe that the few blog followers I had have all died and now I am just sending empty messages out to the bored blogging world.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

My New Blog

Hey guys I threw out my old portfolio website and I'm trying to build a new blog.  Come check it out!

Monday, April 4, 2011

I've decided that I have too many wants.  I seriously think that I could spend $5000 in one day on nothing real big.  Top of my list right now:

New kitchen table (this I will actually need with in the next year)
Slide or climbing toy for Hanna
Toddler chair for Hanna

And a bunch of little things for my house, new garbage can, shower curtains, bed sheets, towels, and coat hooks.  

That is just the top I'm sure I could find at least 20 more things off the top of my head that I want before I even get to clothes.  Clothes would be a lengthy list on its own.

Now I am just going to sit here and wait to get struck down for my pride.