Sunday, April 11, 2010


So I had drill this weekend and guess what . . . They let me drive a bus!  A big blue bus, with people on it, on trafficked roads.  I know right?  Those of you who know me know this probably wasn't the brightest idea on their part.  My supervisor told me I had to learn to drive the passenger bus so I can drive poor unsuspecting troops around the base and on the flight line (around big expensive airplanes).  So today a bunch of people from my section voluntarily came along to be my passengers and witness the chaos.

Little old me driving a big old bus, I had to slide the seat all the way forward and could barely be seen over the ginormous steering wheel.  But really it wasn't that bad.  I gave everyone a taste of the seat in front of them the first time I hit the brakes and on my first right hand turn I ran over the curb and nearly took out the stop sign.  I doubled back to try again and when I cleared it my passengers applauded.  I continued driving for another half an hour without further incident.  Sadly no one got a picture of the event.

1 comment:

  1. The book " Don't Let the Pigeon Drive the Bus!" was my first thought when I read this. It's a children's book, go find it at the library it's a funny book. It’s by Mo Willems.
