Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Cam's year so far

Eric and I have had quite a bit going on this year so I've decided to write an update for each of us to catch everyone up.

January 6, 2009 I enter Basic Military Training as a member of the United States Air Force Reserve. I loved it and I did well. I was appointed Chapel Guide (I made sure religious needs were met for the females in my flight), put in charge of Remedial Physical Training (kicked the girls into shape), and then made Dorm Chief (responsible for my flight whenever the MTI wasn't around). I graduated in the top 8 for physical fitness from my coed class of 765. I also graduated in the top 10% overall to earn Honor Graduate.

Eric and my mom came to visit me in Texas for my BMT graduation on March 6. I was so glad to have my family with me and be able to share my achievements with them. At the end of the weekend sadly they went home and I went back to training.

The following Monday I started Technical Training School. Though it was hard to say goodbye to Eric again for another two months I continued to do well. I was immediately made a White Rope (Student assistant to the Chaplains Corp.). Within a week of starting classes I was chosen as the new Air Trans Leader (Student leader over all the students training for my career field). I maintained my physical fitness and remained the fastest female in the squadron from the day I got there until the day I left. And somehow, even though I couldn't stay awake in class, I managed to graduate Tech School with honors as well.

It was a hard four months to be away from home. Basic was easier than I expected, tech school was harder. I learned a lot about myself, some good, some bad, but all educational. Overall it was a good experience and I am pleased with my accomplishments and my decision to join the reserves.

1 comment:

  1. Wow!! That is so neat you did that! You we're always so talented with running and stuff like that. Did join the reserves, just because or did you do it for school?
