Tuesday, December 22, 2009

So Excited!!!

Only 7 1/2 weeks or abut 58 days until our baby is due!  I'm so excited.  Incredible nervous, but still very excited.  I still feel like I have a ton to do between now and then that some days time just seems to be flying by but yet it can't get her fast enough.  I am so anxious to hold my little girl.

Until then I am trying to finish up my last class at Stevens-Henager College, still, organize my home, and enjoy the little time Eric and I have left as just a couple.  We've been able to go on a couple of fun dates, spend time together at home, and mostly just enjoy the peace and comfort of being alone together.

This Christmas will be our last Christmas alone and we are actually going to have time to enjoy it this year.  I am so grateful for all of our blessings this Christmas season, Eric, our families, our baby, employment, our home, a chance to go to school, and most of all for the birth of our Savior.  I want to wish joy and love to all of our friends and family and wish you,

A Merry Christmas!



Wednesday, December 9, 2009


Yay!  I made rank last month and sewed on Senior Airman (E-4)!  I should be eligible for Staff Sergeant in another two years and then I can start working on getting commissioned, but for right now I'll just take it one stripe at a time.

-SrA Camaree Sargent

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Bad News

I was suppose to go to work yesterday and instead I got a call from one of my managers.  I was told that Iggy's Logan had gone out of business as of Sunday night and I was out of a job.

The thing that really sucks is that my position at ICON was "dissolved" a week after I helped my boss turn in the budget.  After that I couldn't find a job and that is why I went to Iggy's.  Iggy's was my back up plan and now I've lost that.  This is the second job in a row I have lost to this economy yet officials on Wall Street are trying to tell me that the recession is over. 

So I don't really know what I am going to do now.  I guess I will focus on getting more design work.  If you know of anyone looking for a graphic designer please refer them to my website www.camaree.com.  My specialty is photo touch up and photo restoration.  

Monday, November 30, 2009

One Class Down!

Yay I'm finished with my English class!  This is the poster for my presentation for my final project.  Three more classes to go and I'm done with my first semester.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Fish Stories

I have been fishing since I was old enough to remember. We always went with my Dad, and we always seemed to go to great lengths to chase big fish. Well that chasing finally paid off (sorry you couldn't be there Dad). My friends and I went to Bear Lake to catch some lake trout while they are in spawning season. We got up there about seven in the morning, and about 15 minutes later this is what I reeled in.
I hope you enjoy the pictures just as much as I enjoyed holding (and later eating) this 8-10 lbs, 29 inch lake trout!

26 Weeks



Tuesday, November 3, 2009


We ordered stuff for our nursery today!!!

 We got this adorable Moses Basket for our newborn baby.

We found this super cute 10-piece nursery set for half the price of most 4-piece sets!

And of course the crib.  We couldn't decide if we were going to get a crib right away or wait until she is old enough to actually need one but we found this 4-in-1 convertible crib for such a great price we couldn't pass it up.
Hm . . . now we just have to figure out where to put all this stuff.  

Wednesday, October 21, 2009


Ok so Eric and I are obviously having a baby.  To answer a few questions our little girl is due in February.  I am feeling fine and we are very excited.   We don't have names yet and wont until she comes, for now she is just baby girl.  And no we haven't made any final decisions about work or moving.  We are happy doing what we're doing where we are at but obviously we are not going to turn down any opportunities that may come along that will better our situation.

For more updates about us or if you are new to our blog please look over our last three posts.

Love ya all,

Friday, September 18, 2009

Eric's Year So Far...

As you have already read, Cam and I were apart for a few months, I say a “few” now that it is over, but those four months all seemed like they would never end…. luckily they did.

In January, I started my final undergraduate semester at USU. It was probably the hardest semester that I had while in college, not because of my 7:30 class that I had to take (the only one I ever had in college…grrr) but because Camaree was not there to keep me focused on all the things I had to get accomplished, I never knew how much she helped me until that help was gone.

Soon March came and I was able to go to San Antonio, Texas to see Camaree graduate (with Honors) from Basic Training. It was awesome to see her all in uniform, and be serving our country (my dream when I was younger was to fly for the military; one that would never come to pass because of my poor eye sight).

Once back in Utah, I pushed on through school, graduating in May, Summa Cum Laude, from Utah State University. I am the second person in my immediate family to graduate from college.

Though graduated, I have to finish some flight ratings in order to be officially finished. One of which was my Flight Instructor Certificate. I finished that at the end of July, and shortly after I found out that USU would be hiring flight instructors to teach the new freshmen pilots how to fly. Out of 17 applicants, I was one of 5 new flight instructors selected.

So far it has been a very rewarding year, and I can’t wait to see what the rest of the year will bring….

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Cam's year so far

Eric and I have had quite a bit going on this year so I've decided to write an update for each of us to catch everyone up.

January 6, 2009 I enter Basic Military Training as a member of the United States Air Force Reserve. I loved it and I did well. I was appointed Chapel Guide (I made sure religious needs were met for the females in my flight), put in charge of Remedial Physical Training (kicked the girls into shape), and then made Dorm Chief (responsible for my flight whenever the MTI wasn't around). I graduated in the top 8 for physical fitness from my coed class of 765. I also graduated in the top 10% overall to earn Honor Graduate.

Eric and my mom came to visit me in Texas for my BMT graduation on March 6. I was so glad to have my family with me and be able to share my achievements with them. At the end of the weekend sadly they went home and I went back to training.

The following Monday I started Technical Training School. Though it was hard to say goodbye to Eric again for another two months I continued to do well. I was immediately made a White Rope (Student assistant to the Chaplains Corp.). Within a week of starting classes I was chosen as the new Air Trans Leader (Student leader over all the students training for my career field). I maintained my physical fitness and remained the fastest female in the squadron from the day I got there until the day I left. And somehow, even though I couldn't stay awake in class, I managed to graduate Tech School with honors as well.

It was a hard four months to be away from home. Basic was easier than I expected, tech school was harder. I learned a lot about myself, some good, some bad, but all educational. Overall it was a good experience and I am pleased with my accomplishments and my decision to join the reserves.

Eric and Camaree enter the blogging world.

Yay, we have a blog! I'm excited to get our blog started. I love being able to keep up with everyone so easily.