Friday, April 25, 2014

Things I didn't know I feared until I moved to Kansas . . .

Thunder and Wind
May-August dark skies terrify me.  I thought I had seen intense storms before but they were child's play compared to the storms here.  They are super cool and super frightening.  

Wide Open Spaces
I get so lost out here and I'm pretty sure I could drive into the next state without realizing it.  I never have any idea which direction I am going.  

Wind Turbines
I find these thing extremely creepy and alien.  Especially when you approach a wind farm unexpectedly when traveling at night.  I'd almost rather drive through Nebraska and Wyoming than Kansas and Colorado when going to visit home just so I don't have to drive past this metal army gathering for the attack in Western Kansas. 
(It is possible I have read too many sifi books)

That's right people grass.  Or rather what is in the grass, chigger.  Every summer all I can think about is chiggers in the grass.  I couldn't post a picture of the bug itself because I didn't want to give anyone nightmares.  So far my family has avoided the bites but I see them all over other people's legs all the time.