Sunday, May 11, 2014

Glamorous and Modest

With prom just past, graduation upon us, and the cruise season coming up I'm it is time to start talking formal wear!  

I'm amazed that the dresses seem to get smaller and smaller ever year.  It can be difficult some time to even find a dress with a shadow of modesty.  Especially if you want to keep with fashion.  But it can be done!  Don't believe me?  Well I have some photos here taken at THIS season's (2014) awards shows to prove that you can be more than just fashion aware, you can be down right glamorous and still be modest.

Modesty in Hollywood

Friday, April 25, 2014

Things I didn't know I feared until I moved to Kansas . . .

Thunder and Wind
May-August dark skies terrify me.  I thought I had seen intense storms before but they were child's play compared to the storms here.  They are super cool and super frightening.  

Wide Open Spaces
I get so lost out here and I'm pretty sure I could drive into the next state without realizing it.  I never have any idea which direction I am going.  

Wind Turbines
I find these thing extremely creepy and alien.  Especially when you approach a wind farm unexpectedly when traveling at night.  I'd almost rather drive through Nebraska and Wyoming than Kansas and Colorado when going to visit home just so I don't have to drive past this metal army gathering for the attack in Western Kansas. 
(It is possible I have read too many sifi books)

That's right people grass.  Or rather what is in the grass, chigger.  Every summer all I can think about is chiggers in the grass.  I couldn't post a picture of the bug itself because I didn't want to give anyone nightmares.  So far my family has avoided the bites but I see them all over other people's legs all the time.