Thursday, October 10, 2013

Dear Elder Neil L. Andersen, I love you. Sincerely, Camaree

Here is a crazy thought for you . . . 
I am a Mormon, stay-at-home-mom, who considers herself a feminist.  Let that blow your mind for a minute.

Now here is a question . . .
What is the Priesthood?

Any hands from my Christian friends?  Mormon friends specifically? . . . I can't really see your hands so I'll just give you the answer.

The Priesthood is the Power of God on Earth.

Go ahead let that sink in.

Any heads spinning yet?  Any of you just now realizing that the priesthood is not Daddy or Uncle Joe or the boys that bless the sacrament or the Bishop or even the Prophet?!?

I actually had a middle-aged, well educated, well respected, highly called upon women say to me at girls camp this year many things like "That is the priesthood cabin", "Someone go get the priesthood", "The priesthood will do that" when referring to the men at the camp.  Seriously my tongue was bloody.  That is the men's cabin.  I doubt the Priesthood could be contained in a cabin.

Members of our church commonly refer to the worthy men in the membership as the Priesthood.  Well they aren't, it isn't, it's just wrong.

The Priesthood is the Power of God on Earth.  If you don't believe me this is what Elder Andersen said in his talk at conference just last week, "We sometimes overly associate the power of the priesthood with men in the Church. The priesthood is the power and authority of God given for the salvation and blessing of all—men, women, and children."

I know many of you understand this principal correctly.  But there is an even bigger misconception amid members of the church.  It is demonstrated by "Mormon Feminist" protesting outside General Conference but is held by all most EVERYONE . . .

That only men hold the Priesthood.

Only men are ordained to offices of the Priesthood and ask to administer certain duties and given certain keys.

But anyone faithful enough can have and use the Priesthood- the Power of God.  Anyone can call upon Heaven for help and bring in the Power of God.

Women do it all the time without being asked, without realizing it.  And I think that is why women have not been specifically assigned to do it.  They-we don't need an assignment, we are women, we see a need and we fill it, usually without being asked.  It is in our nature.  Let me explain.

A loved one is sick - really sick.  The men have to be called in and told to please ask God to bless this individual.  What are the women already doing?  They are already on their knees saying "Father please bless them".  You don't think it is the same?  Then you have never heard the prayer of a mother over her dying child.   Do you think a women's prayers can not bring answers or miracles?

Do you think I am way off mark?  Remember the scene in the church produced movie, The Legacy, when Eliza Williams hit bottom and her Ox had fallen to the ground?  What does she do?  Pray that her Ox will be healed.  That he will get to his feet and carry on.  And what happens?  Does God say "Nope.  Sorry you're a women.  Can't do it"?  No the Ox gets to its feet and she eventually makes it to her destination.  If you need a refresher I couldn't find it online but you can buy it here for $4.  

There is also a clip of this recently produced movie on the official Church website in which a young pioneer girl prays fervently for respite and is granted a miracle of food for her and her mother.

Both examples from the church of women calling upon the Power of God.  We do it every day Sisters.  We are not limited by the struct of the church. We are limited only by our lack of faith and need.

Mathew 17: 20 And Jesus said unto them, Because of your aunbelief: for verily I say unto you, If ye have bfaith as a grain of mustard seed, ye shall say unto this cmountain, Remove hence to yonder place; and it shall remove; and nothing shall be dimpossible unto you.

I believe Priesthood callings are ordained and granted by God, His power.  I also believe creation of life to be a power of God.  One he grants to women not men.  God has granted some powers to men and some to women.  We need all, we are blessed by all.  Only God can grant these powers not men.

If you do not believe as I do, if you see Priesthood as only a hierarchy of an organization of men and just want to see women "climb the ladder".  Then there really is no God given authority and it is just men calling on men then the whole thing is a sham.  If I believed that I wouldn't be fighting for rights of the Priesthood.  I'd be leaving.  Looking for true authority.

I am a feminist . . . You can disagree. It's ok. Since I am a feminist I make my own labels instead of letting others label me.

Here is a crazy thought for you . . . 
I am a Mormon, stay-at-home-mom who considers herself a feminist.  Let that blow your mind for a minute and then let me clarify.

I'm a stay-at-home mom 90% of the time.  When I do work I wear combat boots.

I am conservative not a modern feminist or an extreme feminist.  Let me tell you what I believe: 

1.)  Women should be able to do whatever a man does if she can do it and vice versa.  

Women should be able to climb the corporate ladder, be in government, with the same opportunities, pay and benefits as a man.  Women are smart, talented, capable, wonderful attributes to the workplace.  

If she wants to stay home fantastic.  If she wants to work go for it.  If he wants to stay home sure.  If he wants to work of course.  Have at it. Whatever you want to do and works for you and your situation thats up to you.   

But a women shouldn't be given a pass just because she is a women.  For example firefighters have to pass stringent physical tests.  Why?  Because they have to be able to carry a stranger or coworker out of a burning dilapidated building if needed.  So I don't think that a female trainee's test should be ANY different than a man's (let me stop you right there - I don't know if they are any different but I know that in some career fields, like mine in the Air Force there is a different fitness standard.  I'm just using it as an example).  If she can't pass the SAME physical test as a man then she shouldn't get the job.  Why?  Because I don't think that 4'11 115 lb me could carry a 6'1 200 lb man with all of his gear on out of a burning building.  *Just a little trivia here: do you think there are more men my size or more women?  Just think about that until I get to my next point. 

Equality is equal expectations.  If you can do the job you can do the job. PERIOD.  Sex, race, whatever, none of that should matter. 

This blogger got it right when she said as a society we have gone past the point of "Women are equal" to "Women are better"  which just is not true.  We need both men and women for society to continue.  


Seriously people.  Why are we pushing being the same?  We can be equal and still be different.  

MOST, not all, but most men and women have different physical and emotional strengths and weaknesses.  That is just the way that it is.  

We need to be different.  Thats what makes everything work so well.  Why do you think employers were so shocked and impressed by the work that women were doing when they started to flood the workpace?  Because they were DIFFERENT and brought a unique perspective and way of doing things.  

Society is to the point that we are all trying to force each to be the same by covering up our gender.  Why?  Whats wrong with being a women or a man?  

The feminist movement was started to gain rights and respect from men for women.  Now the women are taking respect away from other women by looking down on them.  I don't think some of these ladies want to be women at all. 

I have actually received condensation and smugness for working women for being a stay-at-home-mom in a dress.  They look at me say I am old fashioned or ignorant.  The fact that I have an education and serve in the military or am raising the next generation apparently don't apply here.  They fought to give me rights and choices so I darn well better choose the right to work and wear pants.  

I like dresses.  They are comfortable and hide my huge thighs better than pants.  (I like to bake cookies and take them to the neighbors too.  If you message me I'll give you my address so you can protest my house.  If you give me a heads up I'll make cookies for you.)

Femininity is powerful.  Motherhood is powerful.  Mothers have been changing the world from the beginning of time after all thats were all the the people came from and the vast majority learned their work ethic, hygiene, manners, and moral code from mom.  If good old mom hadn't raised strong fighting girls there would be no feminist movement to do their part in changing the world.  

Check out part 2 to find out how I feel about all of this as a member of the LDS church.  

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Chocolate or Peach?

A conversation in the car with my 3 year old.  *Keep in mind have never talked to her about this stuff and I assume she picked up off of Daniel Tiger when they talked about what makes us different and what we have in common.  They were totally innocent observations that made me laugh.

Hanna:  Some people have brown hair and some people have blond hair.
Me: Yes, and some people have red hair and some people have black hair.
Hanna: yeah and some people have chocolate skin and some people have peach skin.  Miss Elaina (from Daniel Tiger) has chocolate skin.  Mine is peach.  Hey yours is peach too!
Me: That's right Hanna.  Mines is peach and so is daddy's and Mikey's and Mauree's.
Hanna:  Yeah and Grammy's too.  But Aunt Balerie's (Valerie) is chocolate. And . . . Blake's is light chocolate but Uncle Peter's is dark chocolate.  
Me:  That's right Hanna.  What about Aunt Bianca?
Hanna:  She is . . . um . . . peach?

Miss Elaina

Aunt Valerie

Blake and Uncle Peter
Aunt Bianca and Uncle Robb