Thursday, March 22, 2012

Our Big News

I was waiting for Eric to announce this to the world because I felt like it was his news but he hasn't so I guess I will . . .

We were happy in Logan ticking away at school, loving our little house and neighborhood, and enjoying having Grammy and Aunt Chay close by.  We planned on staying put for another year or two while Eric finished his Master's Degree and then he would look for jobs and we would move on.  Then in January an old classmate of Eric's emailed him and told him about a position available in his department at Garmin that he thought Eric should apply for.  Eric blew him off because of all of the before mentioned happiness and plans.  But the friend persisted so Eric sent in a resume.  The very next day Garmin made contact and scheduled a phone interview which went well so they scheduled a second, which must have gone pretty well too because next thing I knew he was on a plane to Kansas for a face to face.  That was Superbowl weekend.  Then we waited and waited.  Finally just after Hanna's birthday Eric received an official offer, double our income, a signing bonus, and pay for our move.  They also offer tuition assistance, pay 100% insurance premiums, retirement plans, stock options.  We said yes.
Eric's office is in there some where.

I told Eric we would need a minimum of four weeks before he could start and four weeks is all they gave us.  Eric worked his last two weeks at his job in Logan and we had two weeks left to say all of our good byes, pack, clean, and move, oh and take care of three babies.  It was unexpected, fast, crazy, and stressful.  We survived but barely which is why you all are just now learning the details.

Goodbye house, Goodbye Logan, Goodbye Utah
Eric is thrilled about his new job and the chance to work for Garmin.  I'm excited for him, happy to have a little money, and looking forward to new experiences for our family.  I miss my family, friends, neighbors, and unit at Hill AFB.  I miss the idea of graduating from USU and being an Aggie.  I miss my cute little house.  I miss being able to walk to to church.  It is going to be a HUGE life adjustment but I am proud of Eric and extremely happy to have a stable and promising future. 

We plan on staying in Kansas with Garmin at least long enough for Eric to finish his second degree and gain some valuable work experience, maybe longer but definitely not forever.  Eric really wants to work for Garmin, I really don't want to be stuck in KS very long so we'll see.

Now you know.  

Monday, March 12, 2012

Hanna Marie is Two!!!

26 pounds 2 feet 11 inches, safe to say she is going to be taller than her momma!

We had a big party.  If you ask Hanna about it she says "balloons, party, cake, Annie" or "toys, presents, bike".  Apparently Annie was the most important person there but if I press her on it she will rattle off everyone else that was there too with quite a bit of enthusiasm so don't worry you're all loved too. 


Balloon Faces

My favorite part of the party was the photo booth.

I know this is picture overload but I wanted to add some of Hanna enjoying her presents!