Sunday, February 26, 2012

Better Full Than Empty

Once upon a time I worked and went to school, had a calling, hung out with my friends, and made dinner for my husband.  I complained of my sleep apnea and lack of energy and my long to do list.

I thought I was busy then.  I thought I was tired then.

But now . . . as everyone at the grocery store likes to point out I "have my hands full".  And it's true.  If one baby has a good night or a good day one of the others has a terrible one.  Tonight for example Mauree has been doing great and will probably sleep 6-8 hours but Michael is teething and Hanna is sick.  Since I put them all down for bed at 9 Mauree has been up once, Michael twice, and Hanna twice and it's only 12:30 and none of them woke up at the same time.

I don't sleep.  My perfume is baby spit up.  I'm lucky if I get to shower and put on make-up in the same day.  Some days I can't wait for Eric to get home just so I can pee and brush my teeth.  My meals are always rushed and cold.  I'm always holding a baby.  A good day means at least one room in the house is clean.  And there is always laundry, laundry, laundry.

I get smiled at more in one day then I think most people get in a whole week.  Somebody always laughs at my comedy routine.  My audience thinks I'm a great singer.  I get told almost every day that I am pretty like a princess.  My kisses are magical.  I have four eager faces dying to be my dance partner.  I always have someone to cuddle with or play with.  And I'm rarely bored.  

My hands are full.  But I'd rather they be full than empty.

Of course Eric is pretty awesome. Helps out a ton and takes the kids all by himself for a whole weekend once every month while I am at drill.

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Snow Day!

It FINALLY snowed enough for Hanna to put on her snowsuit and go build a snowman.  She has been waiting all winter.  She had so much fun.  It was even more fun because uncle Robb and Aunt Bianca were here to enjoy it with her.
Our first family photo!

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Where have the last 6 months gone?

Forget the las six months.  Try the last three years.  I just barley told Eric he was going to be a daddy and now Hanna Marie is turning two and she already has a little sister and a little brother.
The day I told Eric he was going to be a daddy!
Our little HannaMarie
Mauree Lynn and Michael LeeRoy were born almost 4 weeks early on August 10, 2011 at Logan Regional Hospital at 8:55 and 8:56 AM respectively.  Mikey started out the as the smaller of the two measuring 18" and weighing only 5 lbs 9 oz.  Miss Mauree came in at 5 lbs 13 oz and 17.5".  But you would never know it now!

They both caught up to average weights within a couple of weeks but Mikey really made up for lost time.  By two months he was 10 lbs!  Our little man nearly tripled his birth weight by four months old tipping the scales at over 15 lbs! He is now 18 lbs! While little Mauree at a healthy 13 lbs 10 oz.  Brother is also 1/2" taller, last stretching to 26 1/4" with sis at 25 3/4".

Mikey has one objective grow!  His favorite thing to do is eat, second sleep but if he is awake he is moving.  He start working on his army crawl right at 5 month and now with just a couple weeks practice I'm sure he could keep up with most soldiers.  I'm a little bit nervous that he is already so mobile and really anxious to see how quickly he learns to pull himself up on things.  Although he is a much happier baby now that he can get around on his own.

Mauree Lynn is our little angel.  She is so tiny and mellow and perfect.  She has the daintiest little feet and sweetest laugh.  And when I holder I feel peaceful.  She has given Daddy some headaches though because she isn't a real fan of bottles.  We have found however that she enjoys rice cereal and is better with a spoon than brother.  And while she isn't a big mover yet, she does seem very interested in her surroundings and she is quite the kicker.  Once she figures out how to get those legs under her I think she'll give Mikey a run for his money.

Hanna Marie loves them both but is particularly fond of her baby sister.

Hanna Marie is a typical toddler; she loves to swing, jump, run, laugh, scream and make messes.   That girl hasn't stopped talking since she was three months old and she is picking up more new words a day than I can keep track of.  She loves every form of drawing, likes to sing, and loves her movies.  Her current favorites are Curious George, How to Train Your Dragon, Lion King and the new Winnie the Pooh.  She also likes Dinosaur Train, Super Why, and Cat in the Hat.  She is amazing with letters and numbers and loves to read.  She choses when and when not to listen to me and when and when not to eat.  She eats way too much candy, sucks on her finger (yes we're going to pay for our dentist's next car),  isn't potty trained and she has a ragged stuffed bunny she carries everywhere with her.