Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Whoa Mama!

Camera phones in the dark, not the best but I keep forgetting to take pictures so if you want an update this is all I've got.

30 Weeks with Twins!

Wait, did you say TWINS!?!

No wonder I'm so big!

How many more weeks?

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Huge, and Happy as a Hippo

In the last several weeks I have received multiple comments about how big I am getting and an overall concern for my health.  I would like everyone to know I am doing just fine.

Many people thought I was huge with Hanna Marie and she was a big baby for someone my size but I remained healthy throughout the pregnancy and I gained less weight than is average during pregnancy.  Afterwards I recovered very quickly.  I was back in my skinny jeans by 9 weeks postpartum and even scored a 96 out of 100 on my very first Air Force physical fitness test back from maternity leave - including receiving max points for my waist size. 

But if I was huge with one baby what do you think is going to happen with two babies growing inside of someone who is only 4'11 and normally 110 lbs?  But rest assured I have still gained less weight so far than what is average for a twin pregnancy, I have not been put on bedrest, all of my tests and screenings have been normal, the babies are healthy and growing normally, and I feel nothing more than the normal wear of a pregnant women chasing around a very happy toddler.

Overall pregnant or not I am an extremely healthy and fit person, probably more than most of you.  If any of you still feel concerned or wish to continue commenting on my size or health I challenge you to run the Cold Turkey Run with me on November 24th or even better join my 2012 Ragnar team and we'll see who fares better.

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Getting Ready for Summer!

Now that it is finally warm outside,  it is time to enjoy the sun!

To get Hanna's look check out www.camaree.com

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

A Chick w/ Sticks: Welcome to A Chick w/ Sticks!

A Chick w/ Sticks: Welcome to A Chick w/ Sticks!: "Here you'll find various crocheted items for sale to raise money for charitable causes. Right now I'm trying to raise money for a hospital g..."