Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Sad, sad news my friends.  I missed out on free U2 concert tickets this week because I don't check my military email account often enough!  U2 people! U2!  That would have been so awesome.  Of course I wouldn't have been able to go anyway because I am in VA right now but I think I know a certain mother I could have made extremely happy with such tickets. 
*Sigh* I just can't believe I missed out and I just had to share my sadness.

Check out form more updates!

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

I love Lucky Charms!

It has been so long since I have had Lucky Charms!  Oh how I have missed them.  Normally I get the cheaper, healthier cereal.  But since I am on Annual Tour and the government is paying for it, I splurged and bought I box of Lucky Charms to keep in my room.  This morning it was a little bit of suguary heaven. 

Monday, May 9, 2011

Willow Park Zoo

We took Hanna Marie to the Willow Park Zoo last week.  She loved it and was so much fun to watch.  I really can't wait to take her to Hoggle  Zoo this summer.

To see my favorite picture from the day check out

Thursday, May 5, 2011


23 Weeks
Eric and I are expecting another girl!  . . . AND a boy too!!  Yep twins!  We're expecting the Luke and Liea to make the debut some time in August.  Hanna Marie will also reach her 18 month milestone in August.  Three kids that young is definitely going to be a challenge but we are super excited.