Friday, March 25, 2011

Jeff and Kathryn: Hello!

Jeff and Kathryn: Hello!: "Welcome to our adoption blog! As you probably guessed from the title, we are hoping to adopt a baby! We've been unable to have ch..."

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Hanna's new hairdo!

Hanna looked sooooo cute today.  Her hair is getting so long now.  I pulled the front into a little twist on the side and then brought the end into a ponytail in the back with the rest of her hair.  And I put her in brand new clothes with little white leggings.  So stinking cute. . . Too bad it didn't last.  While I was doing my own hair Hanna found my vaseline and spread big fists fulls all over her hair, her clothes, and the floor. 

We were able to save her clothes but we have tried every suggestion from my mom and the Internet and her hair is still one big grease ball!  Little stinker!

At least it wasn't as bad as this kid . . . .

Or this one . . .