Thursday, September 9, 2010

Sleep Study!

mSo the most exciting thing of my life happened yesterday . . . ok maybe not the most exciting thing, but pretty dang close.  I had a sleep study done!!!  Yay!  For those of you who know me, or know my parents and know that I am their child, know that we really have sleep issues in our family and this is way overdue.  I went into the Sleep Disorder Center and Logan Regional Hospital and they hooked me up to a bunch of stuff, I mean a ton.  I felt like a science experiment.  I had 25 electrodes on my head, a bunch along my jaw, one by each eye, two on my chest, one on my back, two on each leg, a band around my chest and one around my stomach, two different oxygen censors in my nose, and a pulse monitor on my finger.  No wonder people who go in there can't sleep.  I did finally fall asleep though, for about 4 hours, not straight, like 4 hours total, so not bad.  I'll get the results back in a week to a week and a half.  I'm really hoping the tell me that I have Restless Leg Syndrome because that would explain my leg pain too and I would just have to take a pill.  If they tell me that I have sleep apnea and I have to wear an oxygen mask to bed every night well then I'll just sleep when I die because I really don't think I could stand that.  If it is neither of those thing and they can't figure out what is wrong with me based on the sleep study then the next step is to go see a neurologist.