Monday, June 28, 2010


So I've decided if I wasn't so lazy I really could get into some fun crafts.  Right now I'm really enjoying making hair clips, mostly for Hanna Marie but today I made some for Chaylyne Marie - I hope she likes them. 

I'm also crocheting a blanket for Baby Hanna and working on a scrapbook for Chaylyne.

Mama and Hanna

4 Months Old!

Hanna Marie was four months old on June 18th.  She had her four month doctor's appointment last Monday.  Dr. Ovary said she was beautiful and doing great.  She weighs 14 lbs. 6 oz and is 25 1/2 inches tall.  I'm only 59'' tall so I'm pretty sure she'll be taller than me by the time she starts grammar school.  Dr. Ovary also said we could start her on solids so we went and bought some bowls and little tiny spoons and Sunday we tried rice cereal . . . she didn't have much of a reaction.  She didn't swallow it but she didn't act like she hated it either, she just pushed it out with her tongue.  She liked the spoon though, thought it was a great toy. 

Hanna's new favorite thing.

Last time we were in Salt Lake Grandma Hoggan taught Hanna Marie how to blow raspberries and now she does it all the time.
Video can also be seen at


Sunday, June 20, 2010


I'm so glad that the weather is finally nice!  We love to be outside.  Baby Hanna has already discovered how much fun it is to pull up the grass.  And yesterday we introduced her to leaves.  We gave her a leaf which she had fun holding and feeling for a minute before tearing it to pieces.  


Tuesday, June 8, 2010

June 8th

This past weekend I visited Kaysville cemetery to place flowers on my Grandma's grave for her birthday today.  While I was there I also placed flowers in the vase at her parent's grave.  I never knew them but I've visited their graves with my grandma all my life.  There were still flowers there from Memorial Day so the graves really looked beautiful.  I miss my grandma so much.  I still think of her all the time.