Saturday, January 23, 2010

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

34 Weeks!

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Thursday, January 7, 2010


Christmas was awesome this year.  This year was the first year that both Eric and I had Christmas Eve and the day after Christmas off so we got to spend a lot more time with our families this year.  We went down to Salt Lake on the 23rd.  That night we went and saw the lights at Temple Square with Eric's mom (Alie) and brothers.  The 24th we had dinner at Mike (Eric's stepdad) and Alie's and stayed up until 1 AM laughing with Eric's step brother Corby and his cute wife Lindsay.  Christmas morning we opened presents with Mike and Alie.  It was fun, they got us some cool stuff for our home.

Christmas morning I also got to talk to my little sister Chaylyne who is serving a mission in Oakland California.  Using three way calling we were able to get my dad, me, and my brother Steven all on the phone at the same time to talk to Chay even though we were all in different cities.  It was so good to talk to my baby sister, it sounds like she is really happy and doing great.

Christmas day for lunch we went over to Steven and Helen's (Eric's dad and his wife).  The best part was watching all of the little kids open their presents.

For Christmas dinner it was back to Mike and Alie's.  All of Eric's brothers were there as well as all of Mikes kids, 8 families in all, 16 adults, and 8 kids 8 and under.  It was a little crazy but a total blast.

My little brother Steven and his cute new wife Valerie came in town from Arizona late on the 26th so on Sunday the 27th we all got together for Christmas at my dad and Kim's house.  We got totally spoiled.  Eric and I got a bunch of baby stuff we needed as well as a few things for ourselves.  They gave Eric a little remote control helicopter that he only stops playing with long enough to charge the battery.  The best part was playing the Wii with the whole family.  Kim got the new 4 player Mario game.  Our little half brother Cody was a hoot to watch, he could stand still while playing and kept walking in front of everyone else he also didn't seem to understand when his character ran out of lives and always tried to keep playing.

The best part of Christmas for me was the 29th.  Steven and Val came up to Logan and we were able to have our traditional family Christmas party.  It wasn't quite the same because it wasn't on Christmas Eve and it was on a much smaller scale but it was still fun.  We had all the usually food: potato soup, shrimp cocktail, cheese ball and crackers, veggie tray, and more.  We also played games like the tray memory game with prizes and everything.  We read the Christmas story and did our gift to Christ.  The best part was that my Mom got on Skype and we were able to talk to her while we were all here together.  She was so excited, it was the first time she had been able to talk to Steven or Valerie since they've been married. 

And of course Eric spoiled me this year too, as always.  He knew Christmas Eve would be hard for me with none of my family around this year but he tried really hard to keep my traditions alive and make me feel better.  He hid a gift for me on our tree and gave me new Christmas pajamas on Christmas Eve like my mom always does and read the Christmas story with me.  He also gave me a super cute maternity jacket, a new Wii game, and some makeup.  He even bought a gift for baby and let me open it, it was a cute little beanie and some onesies.  What a great husband and he's going to be a great dad.

I hope all of you had an awesome Christmas too.  Happy New Year!