Friday, September 18, 2009

Eric's Year So Far...

As you have already read, Cam and I were apart for a few months, I say a “few” now that it is over, but those four months all seemed like they would never end…. luckily they did.

In January, I started my final undergraduate semester at USU. It was probably the hardest semester that I had while in college, not because of my 7:30 class that I had to take (the only one I ever had in college…grrr) but because Camaree was not there to keep me focused on all the things I had to get accomplished, I never knew how much she helped me until that help was gone.

Soon March came and I was able to go to San Antonio, Texas to see Camaree graduate (with Honors) from Basic Training. It was awesome to see her all in uniform, and be serving our country (my dream when I was younger was to fly for the military; one that would never come to pass because of my poor eye sight).

Once back in Utah, I pushed on through school, graduating in May, Summa Cum Laude, from Utah State University. I am the second person in my immediate family to graduate from college.

Though graduated, I have to finish some flight ratings in order to be officially finished. One of which was my Flight Instructor Certificate. I finished that at the end of July, and shortly after I found out that USU would be hiring flight instructors to teach the new freshmen pilots how to fly. Out of 17 applicants, I was one of 5 new flight instructors selected.

So far it has been a very rewarding year, and I can’t wait to see what the rest of the year will bring….